
"Stickers on laptop are for kids."
- my dad

  • 4
    We'll always be kids to them no matter what we do.. don't sweat..
  • 3
    My dad while I watch cartoons *sometimes*
  • 4
    It's tacky as fuck to have literally 50 stickers all over the place. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 1
    Depends on what stickers
  • 2
    @Linux devRant's, unixstickers, etc.
  • 8
    Yeah, I don't like the look of stickers on a laptop. It makes it look messy in my opinion. Like an old person's desktop covered in icons. I like to keep it clean.
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    @AlpineLinnix cool 😎.
    *me as parent 🤣*
  • 3
    Don't let your inner kid die, keep it alive always.
  • 5
    26 and I think stickers on laptops are kinda cringe, I much prefer clean / minimalist. 😕
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    Nalgene bottles are good for stickers.
  • 3
    Sticking a couple of stickers on your laptop is fine. Covering it all is a bit childish...
  • 2
    You're a child, but not a kid. 16 is a teen. :)
  • 0
    Using proper English grammar is for kids...
  • 2
    We are all kids
  • 1
    Caring what other people think about the expensive devices YOU paid for is for kids...
  • 1
    @astartes Yup. Agreed. I only ever put 1 sticker on a work machine they paid for (if any) and it is always a sticker of the companies logo.
  • 0
    I agree with him
  • 0
    What's the saying? Developers are children that need to get a real job?
    No, that's not it.
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