
When you're not creative enough to make a post that would give you some stickers but you have a 3D printer...

  • 9
    I see what you did there. 🙂
  • 34
    Lol this is awesome!

    Can you post some more pics in the comments? I'm curious to see the "3d-ness"!
  • 0
    You get the colours especially?
  • 14
    @dfox sure! There isn't much of a 3d effect tho, I just retraced the logo in fusion 360 and extruded it by 5mm
  • 10
    The cad view :
  • 5
    @fun2code Just uploaded it on thingiverse : http://thingiverse.com/thing:218702...
  • 10
    May @dfox bless you with the 2D sticker and a 3D ball. Upvoting.
  • 12
    I can we this becoming a nice fridge magnet. Just add the adhesive on the back and magnet.

    Someday I'll get a 3D printer.
  • 11
    you know this would be a great idea for drink coasters
  • 1
    I don't have a 3D printer... but i have some general knowledge of Blender... i might do the same, I was looking for inspiration anyway
  • 1
    Holy shit
  • 3
    Wait, you have a 3d printer with double extruders? I'm jealous...
  • 1
    Here you go with another ++
  • 5
    @SirWindfield Well... I'm kinda cheating on this one. My printer had two extruders but, as anyone who has tried dual extrusion will tell you, It is a real pain in the a** to calibrate and causes some problems even when you want to print with a single extruder so I just removed my second extruder xD. This print just consist of 4 parts printed separately which I snapped together afterwards :P
  • 8
    @jckimble That's a great idea! I upscaled the model by 1.5x because the original is a bit small. Ill post the final result in an hour or two :P
  • 1
    @FTcuber sounds good. you might want to see if you can fill the bottom 3 layers of the holes where the dark orange wouldn't be able to be pushed completely threw
  • 0
    @jckimble Yeah, I'll make a V2 of the drink coaster and include that in it. It's coming out great right now but there are a few defects in it I'd like to change.
  • 6
    @jckimble Here it is! Thanks for the idea.
  • 11
    Works perfectly.
  • 2
    @FTcuber sweet I need to get me a 3d printer
  • 23
    When you're not good enough to get a stress ball... I'll see if that prints tomorrow :P
  • 3
    Well, some people don't know where their creativity is until some aha moment ;)
  • 13
    Says this and gets a stressball... :)
  • 3
    The irony
  • 2
    @FTcuber how did it go?
  • 1
    The irony.
  • 0
  • 0
    Thank you. Found your thingiverse and printed it myself as a test :D
  • 0
    and you're eligible for free stickers ;)
  • 0
    Dude you can start a swag company 🔥
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