
When I just spent 45 minutes ripping my code apart clueless why something so simple won't work, just to find out that the problem is spelling event.keyCode as event.keycode.. maybe don't code while tired at 1am rookie. Complete moron over here

  • 2
    Or get an IDE with at least code completion.
  • 1
    I agree. I've been more productive with an IDE than just straight up using vim. WebStorm is great for JS.
  • 5
    Don't put yourself down. You're not a developer until you've sat around for ages pulling your hair out over a one character syntax error 😂😓
  • 1
    const = cosnt
    beacon = bacon
    difference = diference
    analytics = anayltics

    I spend my entire life finding typos. It's great when you review working code 3 months later and find that all your variables are actually called bacon, anayltics and keycode.
  • 0
    The worst ever is when you have an i instead of a 1 and gcc compiles that into a seg fault.
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