
Back when I was in school, there was me, these 2-3 other guys, we maintained the school's sites + graphics and what not. If there was a problem, we could solve it. The school hosted big events and the site had over 50k hits in 2 days.
We used PHP then (was a new thing then for us)
Was looking at the schools site now out of nostalgia,
Graphics look like they were made using MS Paint.
Has a prominent 'designed by so n so' who is a student there.
Was checking the source code,
<meta name="generator" content="Zyro - Website Builder" />

I wanna go back to my school and spank those bastards there.
This LITERALLY hurts.

  • 2
    It's probably not even a student anymore, it will be some cheap ass contractor who doesn't even know the basics.
  • 1
    "Not even scale well"
    That's the First thing I'd expect. Specially when you're talking about a project mantained by students. Life is like that, man. Somethings you learn from experience, don't blame the past you.
  • 0
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