
Is it just me, or does nobody read their fucking email? Especially when I try explain how a bug isn't trivial to solve because its based on some shitty design decision, that the managers made, that is practically the core of the app. If YOU cant understand the logic with me explaining it to you in plain FUCKING ENGLISH, than how in the name of baby FUCKING jesus, do you expect me to communicate that to the most complicated machines that man has ever built?!? What in the actual fuck do you even do here?!? I could do your job blind-folded, with terminal access to the db, while a monkey was flinging shit at me!

  • 2
    On the point of not reading emails. When I write a well crafted email explanation that is more than I short paragraph and send it to a client, I can guarantee that they haven't read it judging by the follow up questions I always receive. What I tend to do then is copy and paste the relevant bit of the previous email below their "new" questions. It's like saying did you not read my email you complete fucking twat, without actually saying anything.
  • 0
    @h3ll just let it drip man, let it drip
  • 1
    @helloworld lol I've done something similar. Resent the same email but highlighted sections that answered what they asked.
  • 0
    let that monkey draw a picture with his piss ! 😜
  • 0
    People don't read emails. They scan them.
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