I really fucking hate when people or companies do shit like this..

Apparently Google is changing the salad emoji, which is a bowl that contains lettuce, tomato, egg, onion and stuff like that, to the same, but without the egg.

Why you may ask?
Well.. they did it to "make it a more inclusive vegan salad".
ITS JUST SOME WHITE PIXELS FOR FUCKS SAKE. How would any vegan, besides the crazy ones, be upset about a moist egg in their crisp salad?

I cant even.. im out of words.. fuck.

Additionally, the news page i read it on have been so kind to host a poll of what people think about it, whether its a good idea or not.

Ill let the image speak for itself, if you really need a translation, dont use google translate, ask in the comments.

  • 1
    fuck man
  • 33
    That's like the fucking water gun emoji on Apple. It clearly ended alllll the gun violence we have. We're now living in a peaceful and violence free world.
  • 11
    @Stuxnet thank you for reminding me that Google isnt the only ones doing this bs
  • 15
    We now live in a world where emojis need to be politically correct... Oh God
  • 9
    @albi I no longer wish to remain on this planet.

    What's up Mars?
  • 9
    What in the fuckin' fuck? Why would they do that...? Oh wait, Google also hires people based on race and gender (allegedly):
  • 1
    I am not vegan but I detest egg in salad so i see thins as a good thing
  • 5
    @GMR516 Wow, that's pretty crazy. I've long suspected this to be the truth in larger corporations, but that's more than I really expected.
  • 3
    @coderme Enough proof to get sued over. What a weird world we live in.
  • 4
    @Stuxnet THANK YOU! Finally someone who finds that as ridiculous as I do. Most others I talked to were like, "What, what's the big deal? They can do whatever they want."

  • 10
    @GMR516 It makes me laugh.

    With your Google example, they're trying to be inclusive but end up being exclusive and discriminatory.

    The whole situation can be fucked up.

    Can we just go back to the days where we hire people for skills? And where people weren't as emotionally fragile as a piece of thin glass.
  • 5
    @Stuxnet Yeah. Please. :)
  • 1
    I find it very silly that people are actually upset about Google changing a freaking salad emoji. How is that a problem???
  • 8
    @Olverine Not upset. Finding ridiculousness in the fact that they're changing a salad emoji to be more "vegan-friendly", yes.
  • 6
    @Stuxnet "Can we just go back to the days where we hire people for skills?" Uhhh was there ever a time where people were only hired for skills?
  • 2
    πŸ₯—*shots fired*πŸ₯—
  • 6
    It pisses me off that the bread isn't gluten free 🍞

    At least I can still use my grape juice and tofukebabπŸ·πŸ–
  • 4
    "Any vegan except the crazy ones" pretty sure there's about an 80% overlap.

    I don't mind veganism, I was vegetarian for a long time, but there are a lot of people with silly biases and batshit crazy worldviews among them.
  • 3
    We should make a petition for keeping the current one to respect the people who like eggs in salad, and add a "vegan salad" emoji to unicode instead with its own code.
  • 3
    it seems that Google are just a bunch of virtue, signalling cucks... :)
  • 4
    Nowadays this is way more important. I guess from a company point of view they don't want to risk a shitstorm based on that.

    And the sad thing is that a shitstorm could actually be possible because of that haha.
  • 2
    @deflox they should have just changed it silently and no one would ever notice the difference.
  • 2
    @Olverine yeah but then they cannot sell themselves as a really "diverse" company πŸ˜‰
  • 2
    It's pretty silly to be offended over this survey tbh. Like, as you said, it's just some white pixels. Them being there or not wouldn't really matter that much.

    Though come to think of it, I've never had a salad with egg in it
  • 5
    Well, they should completely delete that emoji and let people create it's own salad like

    -"Hey do you wanna eat some lettuce_emoji + tomato_emoji + avocado_emoji + croutons_emoji + egg_emoji + bit_of_olive_oil_emoji?"

    -"Uhmmm I'm a vegan so what about some lettuce_emoji + tomato_emoji + avocado_emoji + croutons_emoji + bit_of_olive_oil_emoji instead?
  • 8
    I am a bit offended that there are so many heads, ears, fingers, noses, arms and lips emojis — but no genitals.

    They pass all the requirements...

    Expected usage level? High!
    Recognizable? A 10 year old can draw a dick.
    Trademarked? I hope not.
    Transient? Nope, cocks and cunts are displayed in ancient temples.
    Already representable? Eggplant, cucumber and peach don't count in my opinion.
    Use in sequences, composable? You bet! Throw in some anuses and boobs as well for good measure!
  • 3
    @TheCrimsonChin Yes. There was indeed a time where people didn't break their back to back "inclusive" and "equality" which leads to "exclusion" and "racism/sexism."
  • 0
    @AlpineLinnix its more like "think of".
    Have a picture :P
  • 1
    @inaba im not sure if i got your comment twisted. I read it as if you think im offended.

    Im not really offended, as others pointed out, its the fact that Google makes a deal out of changing an emoji for vegans. Its just messed up.
    And as others pointed out as well, its probably to avoid a shitstorm, which is insane too.
  • 2
    Some people don't like lettuce, tomato or onion, so they should remove all these from the emoji to be "more inclusive" to these people. Also I usually don't eat salad on a bowl, so they should also remove it.
  • 0
    @JiggleTits You sure do sound offended, or at the very least you sound upset. Otherwise I don't think you're be ranting about something so insignificant.

    And see, the thing is, the shitstorm they'd have by keeping the egg in would really pale in comparison to the shitstorm that making the statement "Yeah, so we thought we'd remove the egg just to be nice and stuff" would make.
  • 4
    @inaba youre right.
    Im upset because its necessary, that the population of earth gives a shit about an egg in a salad.

    I know that puts me in the group as "The idiots who also gives a shit about stupid stuff", but if the first group didnt exist, mine wouldnt either.

    And yes, what im saying in this comment is fucked up, and im starting to doubt my own existence and why i have become like this.
    I never thought i would be like this. I thought i was like you, Inaba. I wish i could go back.
  • 1
    @cafecortado idk why someone -- that, have an upvote
  • 2
    What the fuck, I'm a vegetarian, yes but this is just fucking bullshit. Maybe also give the people who complained about the way this emoji is 4 liters of wodka so they can drink themselves to death.

    Wodka is vegan by the way 😊
  • 2
    @linuxxx It's a trivial change for us to get mad at, but it's a trivial thing to change in the first fucking place.

    It's a fucking emoji. Like come on... How sad is your life that you have to go bitch to Google about a salad emoji?
  • 2
    @Stuxnet Yeah fucking that.
  • 4
    @inaba You don't get the point here. It's not about the emoji. I think most people couldn't care less.
    It's the thought of so many fucked up people actually have so little content in their lives that they actually took the time to write a fucking complaint to Google over a fucking egg in a fucking salad, and that corporations are fucking pussies that can't say no to childish shit like this.
  • 1
    @kenogo read inabas comment, my reply and definitely aaxas comment, then you will be enlightened a bit :)
  • 0
    @Stuxnet You're right - there was a time when people didn't break their backs trying to be inclusive. You know what they did instead? Hired the men over equally qualified women because of their gender. Hired whites over equally qualified African Americans because of their race. Guess what? There's still sexism and racism in this world. You're living in a fantasy if you think there was ever a time when people were only hired based on their skills.
  • 0
    @aaxa And do you have anything that supports the fact that it was because of peoples complaints and not because "they probably wouldn't mind" or is it just the strawman inside your head speaking? Because so far there seems to be a lot more people angry at the removal of an egg in an emoji than there are people angry at it being there

  • 1
    @inaba If you weren't so blinded by your own assumptions, you would have realised, after reading the rant, that what you're saying is still beside OP's point. Idgaf if some egg producers are angry, and I especially don't give a fuck about people who gives a fuck about pixels of an emoji (just like OP said).

    So next time you make assumptions about someone else's opinion, maybe you should read twice or ask if there's something you don't understand.

    Also, OP already commented that what I said is what pisses him off.
  • 1
    @kenogo You're correct on the first comment. I apologize. I didn't assume Google would be stupid enough to do this without someone actually filing a complaint (since that rarely happens tbh).
    But point taken.

    For your second comment, no I'm not.
    Maybe it was a wrong formulation. What I meant was more like: People who give a fuck about a pixel in an emoji can fuck off and suck a dick and die
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