  • 0
    Nice, I'm around 20% with mine 😓
  • 1
    @zlice I am a single male, and no it is not awesome
  • 1
    Congratulations! Now exit the WHILE loop.
  • 0
    @pazcaal but I like it here. It's safe and predictable and void of clients from hell....

    On the other hand, I'll finally have the money to build my ml rig :D
  • 1
    Wth? You had to write a thesis?!?!?! We had a project. I'm so happy. I hate writing papers.

    CONGRATS!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
  • 1
    Good job mate !! <3 I still have one year left before I can do one lol

    What was it about anyways?
  • 0
    You sure it’s a thesis or a project, cause masters are the one need thesis afaik
  • 0
    @bennythecat96 wrote IT on on the possibilities of training machine learning models directly on the device. I am presents surprised by the results and came up with a new way to train models, albeit it's just the first hackish, almost grotesque implementation of if. But still, I haven't seen it before so maybe I did something new!
  • 0
    @devTea it's a thesis. I'm sure. Although comparing is to the thesis I wrote for my master's (another field of study) I have to say this I've was definition more work.
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