
feels good

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    windows user: hey guys, have you played Witcher 3 or Doom? No?
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    @kargaroth actually the wine team actually put out a release for doom 3 that I believe out preforms windows.
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    windows suck the only reason they made win 10 free cause nobody is gonna buy it anyways.. crappy OS.
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    @rookiepatty I've made you complete! :-D #256
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    Well, I like it except for the fact that Linux might be the Terminator but it is not assembled and everything it has to do should be edited manually in VIM and sent in form of textual commands via ssh.
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    @shasha use nano and Sublime Text 3, BTW I love ssh πŸ’
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    @mxdpeep sublime textπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
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    @mxdpeep nano - yes. Sublime? Not that sure. Currently I am using Mac professionally so I use Atom and Brackets
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    So what your saying is that Windows is a work horse that never dies, Mac is beautiful and does the job as long as its overlords don't shut it down, and Linux is a contrived solution to a problem that was caused by another problem caused by mankind's hubris?
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    Wall-e is a Mac, just listen to him boot up!
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    @NoNameCode probably not using for a long time I assume
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