Modern web frontend is giving me a huge headache...

Gazillion frameworks, css preprocessors, transpilers, task runners, webpack, state management, templating, Rxjs, vector graphics,async,promises, es6,es7,babel,uglifying,minifying,beautifying,modules,dependecy injection....

All this for programming apps that happen to run inside browsers on a protocol which was designed to display simple text pages...

This is insanity. It cannot go on like this for long. I pray for webasm and elm to rescue me from this chaos.

I work now as a fullstack dev as my first job but my next job is definitely going to be backend/native stuff for desktop or mobile. It seems those areas are much less crazy.

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    I got myself into web developement in the last months and couldn't agree more. I will maybe try out Elm and see how fast I can change a webapp written with vue to Elm.
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    I’m still sitting here refusing those thing and use the vanilla one better
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    I used to think that as well when I barely did any frontend stuff.
    But once you understand all the things - with their potential pitfalls that is - then it's actually quite amazing and nice to work with (most of the time, like most dev stuff ofc).

    So I'ld not just simply call everything horrendous without knowing more of the in and outs of it, since like I said, it's actually quite nice
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    Complains in a way that makes it seem like OP doesn't like code being ran on something that should only display things.

    Proceeds to express willingness to go full functional programming transpiled to full blown JavaScript.

    I mean, I love ELM, but I can't not see the irony here
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    You don't have to use any of it tho. Pretty much all of it exists to make your life easier in some way and some of them even exists outside of the frontend
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    Imho all you need is HTML and CSS. If logic is needed PHP or ASP .NET.
    A page should use as less Javascript as possible, ideally none.
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    I use Node on backend. Js is actually pretty nice without all the browser crap.
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    @Chlodovechus i happen to know to much shitty websites with shitloads of useless JavaScript to like it, but for some things its the right tool.
    Never used node. My favorite backendtooling is .NET because it can share class librarys with related desktop apps.
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    Mobile platform is equally fucked up if you think about it.
    Lots of sdk specific methods, google depricating great old stuff and creating new weird libraries every now and then, lots of platforms to support (tv,watches android,ios, iot devices and more) along with lots of options (kotlin, java ,flutter,swift, react, electron and i dont know how much more ). Plus the famous libraries and architectural patterns should be known here too. Add the system framework and linux/Android's internal working, and you are struck here for a good 1-2 years of learning

    But i still feel developing is fun on any platform you are targeting.
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