
Dude: Hey, can you help me with my website? It's for the final year project (IT and Hardware related degree).
Me: Sure, let me see.

Sends a .txt file with two <html> tags, not even closed.

Dude: Can you fix it so it appears with a menu on the top and news on the middle?

This guy got his degree and I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know how to enter to the BIOS of a computer.

He probably doesn't know what a BIOS is.

  • 17
    Sounds like he is great shape to start developing Wordpress sites. (I kid, I kid ... kind of)
  • 5
    Stuff like this makes me sad cause there are so many people who would cherish the opportunity to get a degree in CS/Tech and this guy scooted by waiting for handouts. Gives devs a bad name
  • 12
    I bet this is his current resume too:
    Expert Wordpress Developer experienced in creating value through visual aesthetic synergy.

    What he does: install free Wordpress theme and says it's done.
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