If I have a wish,
I would wished for all the programming languages in this world to have their array...

...start from -1.

  • 6
    idk, US starting their floor numbering from 1 irks me more than arrays starting from any random number ever can.
  • 1

    You enter buildings on the 1st floor in Norway, too. There's no concept of "ground floor" so to me it's simpler. I guess whatever you've grown up with is what makes sense to you.
  • 1
    @azuredivay in Hungary it is a mixed bag. Some say ground floor, some say first floor, some say zero(th?) floor
  • 2
    In Vienna, sometimes you have two extra floors before you get at first floor.
  • 3
    I'm glad all of you're talking about a more interesting topic like numbering of floors in building.
  • 1
    *"Mountain King" sounds in background
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