I got accepted to CTU in Prague! (ČVUT)
Yay! 🎉🎉🎉

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    Congratulations 😊
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    Gratz and good luck :)
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    @noobxgenesis Thank you! 😊
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    Congrats and good luck. 😸
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    @Manao Thank youu 😺
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    @Floydian Thanks 🙂
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    @D3add3d Gratulujem! Make a stop in Brno sometimes.
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    @D3add3d gratulujem, vela stastia!
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    @ThreadRipper The category is labeled as Rant/Story.
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    @Rematix Absolutely will do! I've got many friends and family members in Brno so I will surely stop by often :)

    And besides... If for some unknown reason I won't be able to stay in Prague I still got this 😂:
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    @thealex ďakujem 😊
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    @ThreadRipper what @PrivateGER said :)
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    CZ: Gratuluju! Dlufam, ze se mi podari pristi rok taky uspet 😀 Tedka uz jen nevypadnout po prvnim semestru a splnit minimalni kredity a jsi za vodou... 😀

    EN: Congratulations! I hope I will succeed too next year. 😀 Now, dont get kicked out after first semester and meet minimum credits and you are fine 😀
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    @Rematix follow me on Mastodon @d3add3d@dev.glitch.social or add me on Discord @D3add3d#8628 so I can contact you when I decide to come to Brno :)

    edit: removed Keybase, the chat does not seem to work very well
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    @CopyPasteCode ďakujem, hej hej, sito treba prežiť a bude fajn :D
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    @D3add3d ma zaujima, kolko je tu cechov a slovakov. asi celkom dost :D
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    @thealex hej hej, dosť nás tu je 😁
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    @EvilArcher Thanks
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    I don't know the importance of CTU. Fuck it. Congrats man!
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    @Cyanide Thanks!

    CTU is probably the best university where to study IT/CS/whatever is the correct term in Slovakia and Czech Republic combined :)
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    gratulujem že si spravil tuto voľbu než ísť na FIIT. po dvoch rokoch na fiit mám chuť zomrieť a pocit že ma nič nenaučili a iba na zbytočne stresuje celá tá škola. takže good job a veľa šťastia :)
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    Gratuluji... preco v Praze? I am not in fourth grade on High School but I am considering this university too...
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    CTU, Jack BAUR,,, Anyone ??

    Btw, congratulations
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    @darxor úprimne, o FIIT som nikdy ani neuvažoval 😁
    Buď ČVUT alebo VUT... a díky :)
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    @naktop3031 My opinion, I consider ČVUT to be the best university to choose when you want to study IT in Slovakia and Czech Republic combined. I like the events they do, I like the networking labs they have, the Czech National Library of Technology is literally 5 steps away from the main building of FIT and the main building is just amazing, it feels like you are in Googleplex when you are there. And they had a really amazing open door day, really professionally organized and informative. I also like the fact that it is in Prague, there is this something about big cities that draws me toward them... I also love the color that they have (blue is my favorite color) and that blue hoodie is just 😍😍😍. Another thing is that I have many friends in Prague and even studying at ČVUT.... I could go on and on and on... but there is a 500 character limit on a comment and I should probably get some sleep because I literally have only 3 days left before the school-leaving exams 😬
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    @darxor I was on FIT on NOC event... and I like it... so do you think that it was glitzy there?
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    @SheShell thanks! 🙂
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    @naktop3031 oh, sorry I forgot to reply. well, I only have been at FIIT for two years already (I still am), but I can't even describe my disappointment. just visit fiitstory.blogspot.sk, some guy has nicely put his thoughts into the articles. if you have any direct questions, we can chat somewhere
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    @darxor can't you transfer to FIT ČVUT or FIT VUT?
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    @darxor I would be glad...
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    @darxor Can you give me some contact on you please?
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    @naktop3031 send me your fb or whatever you like to feldis@feldis.cz :)
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    @D3add3d well I already have a part time job that I am happy with and my whole life happens here in Bratislava. school is not that important for me :) but yes, I thought about it often
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    @darxor georgekrissak@gmail.com
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