
Anyone here uses a qhd monitor?

How different is it from a HD monitor?

  • 2
    Yes I have a 40" and it's nice. You should absolutely not go under 27" unless you are a hawk:)
  • 2
    @Zimmel24 doesn't higher resolution in small sized screen looks better?
  • 1
    @tahnik Yes, but everything gets smaller, even text. You can adjust to some point though. Test one before buying:) you can fit a lot of stuff on the screen as well:D
  • 2
    @Zimmel24 cool thanks 👌
  • 7
    It has an extra q in it!
  • 2
  • 0
    21:9 is awesome
  • 1
    @heyheni I have one right now. I'm selling it as i feel like it's good for gaming and movies only. Not for programming
  • 0
    @tahnik even in portrait mode?
  • 1
    @heyheni I can't rotate the one that I have. tbh it's so wide that rotating will be useless I think
  • 0
    I have a 24" QHD monitor, and I love. I love having all that screen estate to fit different things on. I will though upgrade it for a 21:9 at some point, and then use this as my third monitor
  • 1
    @devs 21:9 is only useful if the resolution is 4k.
  • 0
    @tahnik yes I know. My QHD monitor is 16:9
  • 1
    @tahnik I will get a 4K 21:9 at some point, but I really love my current 16:9 QHD monitor
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