Google assistant just destroyed Siri.

  • 9
    Siri never had any chance against Google Assistant/Google Now.
  • 1
    What happened?
  • 10
    @Rabbyte one of the things that happened and blown me away was this:

    (not my video just a random one I found that showed this)
  • 1
    @nicogramm Why he has 2 zippers on his cloth 😄
  • 3
    @Rabbyte yeah you got it! That's what I meant and wanted to show you! It's amazing isn't it? Two zippers 🤯 just wow🤯🤯
  • 1
    @nicogramm Lol, i watched it, it's so cool! 😅
  • 3
    @Rabbyte but also a little terrifying I think. It seems like Google could actually be reasonably close to passing the Turing test. I mean if they show this to us, I wonder what they still have up their sleeves. But nonetheless it's definitely amazing and a huge step forward
  • 3
    Not like siri was of any use to begin with.
  • 2
    @nicogramm exactly. I watched this this morning and thought, that sounds like a person making the call for me. That's a really cool tech but what else does Google have?

    I'd be interested to receive recordings of the calls it makes for me as well.
  • 2
    @sylar182 oh yeah recordings would be pretty great actually! I'm thinking if Google should maybe have a voice at the beginning of the call announce that it is a robot they're talking to and not a human. Or publish a list of phone numbers they are using for the calls so that someone might block them if they don't want the Google Assistant calling them
  • 3
    @nicogramm also good suggestions. Is it too much to ask for a little bit of transparency.

    The number of evil implentations for this tech is rather terrifying as well.
  • 4
    Now that is cool. My wife and I both hate talking on the phone. Now google can do it for me lol.
  • 1
    Wtf really?
  • 1
    It's amazing that we've come this far.
    I'm worried though. It seems like a lot of technology today leaves out interaction between people completely.
    If this continues, the future generations will end up being the most anti-social, fucked up generation we've ever had.

    I mean, just look at how bad it is right now :/
  • 0
    The future is skynet, we wont need social interaction.
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