Just read this in German craigslist:

I make your new fancy website...only 99€...no wordpress, cuz thats for blogs only...
I program object oriented in HTML/CSS!

  • 13
    @Alice it's like yesterday, when he was toddling around with tables, so proud to see em grow 🙃
  • 5
    German Craigslist?
  • 9
  • 3
    I can't help wondering whether "no WordPress" actually means "because I find WordPress baffling" ... No more napkins than object oriented HTML, surely?
  • 9
    I just noticed that my second use of baffling got auto corrected to "napkins"... Good grief
  • 10
    Object Oriented HTML is ok but Blockchain HTML, that's the real deal these days my friend
  • 5
    HTML + CSS are turing complete, so yea I think he's programming a compiler for OO-html in HTML + CSS and using that to make your website :)
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