
I once worked at a small dev shop with a team of about 5. I was the lead but I was also the only backend developer. Since it was such a small company I also managed the Datacenter... which we had in our building. It was messy, but impressive. Although I seemed to be always stressed and felt like my job was always on the line... I do miss how excited I got when I learned something new. I was then able to talk to my boss about how excited I was to learn it and I can't wait to learn something new. I'm sad because I don't get that excited anymore. Now, I'm not really learning anything new, I'm just posting my skills as a developer. It really bums me out. I only wish that I had a degree in computer science so I can become a teacher and see my students get as excited as I was.

  • 4
    You don't need a degree to become a computer teacher! Actually, people from the industry have knowledge about best practices that you can't learn from just a degree. I encouraged you to seek opportunities at places like General Assembly :)
  • 1
    If you really want to teach you can do it many ways. Go for it!
  • 0
    udacity is hiring, udemy is open for everybody, go for it :)
  • 0
    I feel you! Since Im a begginer, everything i learn makes my jaw hang like The Mask. Then a few days later I learn something a little bit more advanced and then the previous thing goes to my "meh" place. Good thing I have a ton of awesome things to learn. :) :)
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