
BS in Computer Science. 2y of professional experience. Does a masters degree make sense?

  • 4
    Not really no. You can get a nice job without it... From what I've read (on here and other places), the ability to code properly and having experience > a degree.

    With that said, don't just drop out. Self taught isn't for everyone. Just make sure you can actually apply what you're learning.
  • 4
    It really depends. For example, do you want to work for a government agency (assuming you live on a country like mine) doing research and or making apps used inside different departments? If so then yes, get a masters. Fuck go all the way for a phd if you must, you do get paid more for it regardless of what they say. If your sole ambition lies in working for startups or medium sized companies then not really, a BS is more than enough, heck you may get accepted in said gvmnt jobs with a BS. But for the love of Odin do not take anyone's word when they say shit is not required or useless. You can get a the book knowledge in the world and be an ace self taught developer as well. Don't know why people here seem to think that it is either one or the other.

    Source: no one gives jack shit about yout github account where I live unless you got that B.S in Comp Sci for high paying jobs...
  • 3
    What is your end goal? Without knowing what your motive is, it is not easy to make suggestions. Degrees / Qualifications have limited utility and this is quickly being realized. Unless your course will give you a specialist skillset then a degree is usually not necessary. If you want more money, my recommendation is to sharpen your soft skills :)
  • 2
    I'd say get a job first. Get a couple of real-world years of experience under your belt, then if you decide you still want master's degree go get it.

    Some of the smartest people I have worked with never even finished their undergraduate degree. If you want a master's, it should be because you know you want it for yourself; it's own reward and not a means to some other end.
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