If you make a tech-related query in Yandex, its pagination is 0-based & bonus I++ 🤓

  • 3
    What if it's a lua question
  • 1
    @spongessuck Then it politely but firmly asks if you work on an oil rig ;P (I haven't actually tested it)
  • 1
    this is a stupid feature, because page number is not an offset
  • 0
    Yandex is Russian. Don't use that shit.
  • 0
    Yandex is Russian. Don't use that shit.
  • -1
    @TerriToniAX dafaq? Why does that matter
  • 0

    How can it not matter that your data is in the hands of a war-loving dictatorship that attacks its neighbours, destroying entire cities and killing thousands of people? You're either extremely ignorant turning a blind eye to the world events, or one of those nihilists to whom there's no right or wrong and nothing matters. Then you might just as well eat turds. It will all turn into shit anyway, so why does that matter?
  • 1
    @TerriToniAX looool nah quite the opposite.
    I go out of my way to keep my data out of the hands of war-loving dictatorship which burnt alive Vietnamese women and children :)
    Invaded Iraq, Korea, Afghanistan. Occupies Japan as I write this.

    if you're getting your panties twisted coz Russia does it to someone else across the ocean, oh well 🤷‍♂️
  • 0
    @TerriToniAX did ya mean Murica? Yeah, having your data in Murica is definitely a liability
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