
One day at a meeting I proposed a solution and explained it to everyone and everyone agreed to it. And then comes in this motherfucking Mr. shithole who starts talking about a piece of shit approach which had apparent drawbacks and everyone could see it but no one mentions. Why, becuase that bigger asshole is the boss of these smaller assholes. When I mention the drawbacks, all I get in return is, you are right but we think you should go this way. No fucking explanation why should I or any son of bitch should go that way. And every single one of those fuckers in the meeting suddenly became ok with his approach without any question or doubt. I mean WTF! What kind of developer you are if cant fucking express your views.

  • 13
    Office politics. Shithole has more political pull than you. I have lived through this too. It is a culture that is encouraged. I would play nice because they are backstabbers. Start looking. If you don't want to play nice till you get something new I would have some savings set aside. This shit never gets better.
  • 1
    i feel your pain :(
  • 2
  • 4
    Sorry to hear. In my experience a workplace don't magically start to work good. Better switch if the coworkers and boss is hopeless. .
  • 2
    tomorrow we have a sprint review and we'll have to explain why shithole's approach is way slower than what we've proposed. Just because you call two applications the same name doesn't mean they're compatible. They don't understand that two separate branches developed apart from each other for over 2 years can't just click together.
  • 0
    This is going to be a very interesting meeting.
  • 1
    This is the reason why I went off of my last job. Exact same situation. Politics is a bitch. I hate ass licking assholes.
  • 3
    @MisterDr "ass licking assholes" is going to haunt me for a long time.
  • 0
    Corporations are mini dictatorships.
  • 0
    @gloslistan sometimes actually people like to be dictated to be liked by their dictators.
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