
FU*** unnamed company..... lets recap.
I went for a job interview at this unnamed company i was acting like me and dress like i normally do, witch is good not extrem like a model but normal OK. like you would see in any company.

Yes maybe i could have got a haircut but you know time...

but not to drift, i when i was myself in the interview and no out of the ordinary things happend....

3 days later they call with feedback and you properly guest it! they did not like my appearance..

Like why? my feedback to them was to think that refusing someone based on there personal statement of looking fucking average JO is not good thing to do. and that it makes them look like big "i am better than you..." jerks....
of course there was more of this so called "feedback".

They also ask if i had any feedback for them... i kindly suggested that they need to invest in training how to not judge people on how they look but on there ability of there work and skill....

pfff.. that gone! alright thanks devrant for this outlet.

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    just so you know, I never made any rude remarks or shouted in the feedback phone call, so i kept the screaming devil deep nested inside.... and responded in correct non attacking manner.
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    Normal clothing for an interview? Even if the dress code at the job is jeans and tshirt. You still wear a minimum of trousers, shirt and tie.
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    @neodite i think that you need to show who you are not what you are not by dressing what you normally wont wear. it may of course depend on your country culture and so on..

    I live in the Netherlands and we have a saying:

    "Doe maar gewoon, dan doe je gek genoeg!"

    translated is say:

    "Just act normal, than you act crazy enough"

    So if they don't like how i look in everyday clothing than its not my company.
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    Always ask the recruiter what the appropriate dress code is.
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    Dress for the job you want, not the one you have
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