
Fasching/Karneval is the most retarded German annual tradition by a long shot.

I honestly don‘t get the obsession that so many people have with it.

  • 2
    Well people have pretty dresses
  • 1
    @antigermgerm most of those are quite ugly actually, but there are pretty ones, yes.

    Anything goes so people are dressed as random shit like smurfs, witches, potato sacks, pirates, dinosaurs, ghosts, and literally anything else.

    Even Halloween has some kind of theme (spookiness). Fasching doesn‘t.
  • 4
    It's about getting out of winter.
    Literally bracing yourself in silly dresses, fuelling up, moving in the cold. Embracing the lot of it.
    Many great memories and lots erased.
    A great reset and lots of joy until 2020.
    People hating themselves and others having fun destroyed it for good. Thanks.
  • 0
    the lizards desire misery with self-identity
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