
Behold, dev-related two sentence horror.

“I died, and all I can see and feel is this terminal.”
“'ls' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."

  • 5
    (the joke is that the terminal is windows, and you'll have to experience windows for the next eternity)
  • 3
    Eternity? No problem. I just build my own terminal from powershell scripts
  • 3
    So windows has ls command in powershell.
  • 6
    My first reaction was: probably just a wrong chroot.
  • 1
    @TrayKnots @Demolishun you didn’t end up in powershell. You did end up in a regular old windows terminal
  • 0
    @kiki oh, does it matter. If it is Turing complete, I just use it to write the Bourne Again Again shell. I have enough time on my hands after all. Or would it be the burn again again shell?
  • 1
    @TrayKnots everything in the afterlife is written for windows and compiled for intel itanium.
  • 1
    try `dir`, and hope that `Get-ChildItem` doesn't work.
  • 0
    @kiki You don't scare me. I have an infinity. I need something to keep me busy. I will create the best OS on top of that system that ever existed.

    I am more worried about the rest of time after having spent approximately x% with lim x -> 0 of infinity on this project.
  • 1
    @TrayKnots jokes on you — you'll be spending an eternity on writing software for Windows.
  • 0
    @kiki Na, only until I am done creating my OS. Abstraction layers, my dear Kiki. It will not be Windows anymore.
  • 0
    @TrayKnots bold of you to assume that the afterlife windows is predictable. Hell, that the afterlife CPU is predictable
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    @kiki That's fun! But it must be mostly predictable, right? Because if it were completely random, they could just give me a picture of a computer. Same thing. Completely useless.

    So, non-deterministic programming. repeats every operation 10'000 times, take the best outcome. On every cycle it also calculates a checksum. Dismisses all calculation in which the checksums are wrong. That's an interesting challenge. But nothing worse than what any radio tech has to deal with. In the end, QAM solves that by just calculating how close to an expected value it comes and then running some ECC on top of it.

    In the end, all programming is non-deterministic. That's why ECC RAM exists. We're just mostly fine. Best they can do is make it harder. Like, programming for a satellite.
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    In terminal:

    powershell -command "ls"
  • 0
    @Demolishun 'powershell' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
  • 0
    @kiki works in windows 10/11. I don't know what to tell you.
  • 0
    @Demolishun send your complaints to the deity of your choice. If you can send anything from here that is
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