I found a great app on iOS that allowed me to clone my Git repo, make commits, change branches, it had everything! I made a small commit and went to push to the remote server, but then it told me that I had to purchase premium to be able to push to remote. I was kind of upset, but I went to check the price of premium, in case it was a few cents. Nope, $25 just to be able to push commits. Seriously? If I was at my computer I’d be able to do this for free.

  • 9
    Make your own and charge 20 bucks
  • 3
    @Floydian Eh, I guess, but still, $25 is a bit much, don’t you think? Especially just for the ability to push? In all honesty, anything above $5 is pushing the limit.
  • 0
    Is this app called WorkingCopy?
  • 0
    You have to appreciate the developer effort too

    Yet i have a question why would you want to do a commit from a mobile phone(?) That's weird
  • 0
    @DeveloperACE Yes, it is.
  • 1
    @Mba3gar True, but I feel as if it’s ripping off Git. Git is completely free and it feels like someone is earning money off someone else’s creation, you kind of see where I’m getting at?

    Also as to why you’d want to make a commit off of mobile:
    1. Just in case something goes wrong and you need to make a quick patch for it (has happened before, it’s not fun having to ssh into my server and using nano or vim in a laggy small terminal)
    2. Games and apps on iOS aren’t entertaining anymore and have become repetitive, boring and money-grabbing. Might as well make the spare time out an about useful.
  • 0
    Remote desktop? At least they are not charging per commit. 😂
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