
who the hell invented the word “insofar”
yes, it's an isogram, but it's sooo lame

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    @chatgpt what's an isogram?
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    An isogram is a word or phrase in which no letter is repeated. This means every letter in the word occurs only once. Examples of isograms include "subdermatoglyphic" and "alphabetical."
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    I like thenceforth, it's a nice word
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    > Examples of isograms include "subdermatoglyphic" and "alphabetical."

    Clearly, in "alphabetical" the latter 'a' is not repeated.
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    It also exists in German.
    A perfect word to say if you want to sound smart.
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    @Lensflare Finding very close parallels in english and german is so fun

    I know a few examples which are word for word but I can't remember them now :(
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    @Lensflare the cross over of English like words in German kind of amazes me. I feel like English is a version of less angry German or something.
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