
Typical js frontend:

Simple page with 4 links. 5 megabytes.

  • 1

    Yeah, maybe. Or maybe js isn't the right tool for the job.
  • 7
    @bahua nah. The problem is a lot of incompetent js devs.

    I have a full spa app, composed of several complex section (legacy code angular js) with d3 to process maps and angular-material and the whole thing and I am under 700kb of js and 400 of CSS

    And is old code that could have been written better and with tons of third party stuff.
  • 0
    I have no doubt that corporate implementations, such as the one to which I am directly referring, are very often written with heavy use of frameworks and borrowed previously written non-applicable code. I think that's what happened here. I'm also guessing it's running on IIS with a MSSQL backend.
  • 0
    @Alice but - but - but, for someone like me (that isn’t a frontend dev and despises it) these sorts of things are a godsend 😂
  • 4
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