  • 25
    Who does those freakin cartoon drawings for Facebook. They are really ugly. I mean, WTF is that?
  • 9
    @the-dawn yeah! Exactly. Thats probably the zucks true form. As he is not a human anymore
  • 1
  • 1
    FFS. What a contrived pointless statement.
  • 3
    The ones that get me are the "rain is forecast in <my location> today - stay dry!"

    Usually it tells me this when I've already seen it raining, through the window.

    And I often still go outside anyway. With a raincoat but I might not bother putting the hood up if its light rain because some people actually like a little rain now and then.

    The WORST one was a few years back when FB picked the most commented photo from that year and just before Christmas showed that with the text "Its been a great year!" - in many cases, my own included, the picture was related to a sad memory such as a pet or relative passing.
  • 1
    Reddit > Facebook
  • 2
    @noveusurp better community imo
  • 0
    LMBO 😂😂
  • 3
    @Patalayus ++ to get you an avatar
  • 1
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