
I can't receive packages, nothing to do about it. If I want a package, I have to choose a drop off location in city center. Totally fine.

But now, I ordered new internet and ofcourse, they assume that your address is the place where it should be delivered and there was no place to change it. Fine, I will contact them after order.

But then, how to contact? You get a chatbot with only freaking predefined choices. "Questions about status of your order?". Etc. No fuckers, I'm sure it's doing fine. Gave up. Went to calling them.

You choose all wrong unrelated options until the automatic phone bot get stuck before you get an employee on the line. Thank God - that went fairly quick.

But it's bizar right, that you kinda have to crash an automatic phone bot by providing weird unrelated answers before you can ask your question?

Result: they can't change my address and thus it will go to delivery point end of the day if they can't deliver so I can pick it up one day later (tomorrow). Smol grr. But while said being unable to to deliver, they'll try it anyway 😁 Efficiëntcy 😁

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