
@ostream / @antigermgerm I see there is a fight going on between the Dutch speaking and the French speaking in (s)Waffelstan (Belgium). Just send us the decent speaking (Dutch) people, we love immigrants doing cheap labor. It will be still a better life than with you French. Especially on the road. Fix your roads! 😃

Low hanging fruit.

😃 😃 😃

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    RIP ostream
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    @atheist I've heard that he didn't delete himself.
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    I think we should all take a chill pill, a Viagra, a few shots, a darkroom, a sauna, a shroom trip or 3, a fisting org, and then a mass make out session, and then get over our petty squabbles.

    I've not done one of the above - guess which
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    @MammaNeedHummus I think darkroom, as a girl you'll be probably very bored there.
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    @MammaNeedHummus @retoor

    Now I'm curious as to what effect would a Viagra have on a woman.

    And to not make this uncalled, I'll share my own experience with Viagra when I was 18 y/o.

    I took one on a dare (I won 50 euro, yay).

    Fuck that. It was fucking painful.

    Physically painful, because you can't hide it, and if you try, it hurts,

    And then on actual results, because, it works, really well, and believe me, holding a boner for 5+ hours is terrible. I swear everything in my groin was hurting by then.
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    @MammaNeedHummus is it make out session? *fingers crossed*
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    Do you have hummus tho?
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    @retoor no we love the neterhlands. I wouldn't want to send vlams people there.
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    But no I wish we were fighting but now the right wingerz and allied with the nazis so we're all together again.

    I'm buying a machete.

    Right now the hot topic in bruxelles is this guy running around the metro with an ak47
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    @antigermgerm I'm sure he has good intentions. People running around with ak's are very motivated people. We could learn from their energy and drive.
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    @retoor you know my ma' always told me how we used to be racist toward the vlams because they were hillbillies who grew up in a farm and had to immigrate south to escape poverty and work in our glorious factories and mine.

    Then we imported people from italy, and the vlams hated them.

    Then we imported people from morocco, and the italians hated them.

    Then we imported people from congo, and the arabs hated them.

    Then the factories closed and now we're all friends and doing drugs together coz there is nothing to do
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    @retoor yeah it's good workout as well. These things are very heavy
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    @retoor u know i found my ancestors in archives from before Belgium? I guess we were the netherlands back there.

    There were from a village near luik that was a coal mine forever. They built the city. Now people climb on the cliffs from the mine.

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    @retoor also your webchat does not work. It's hanging i can't even close it
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    @antigermgerm works perfectly and like always, blazing fast. It's extremely async and uses local caching perfectly. Nearly no fb calls. State of the art development. Snek the snekbot is not always online. It's not official part of the app. The bot is not hosted on a server.
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    @antigermgerm contribute, a snek bot is made in literally five minutes: https://molodetz.nl/retoor/snekbot. No stupid token stuff, just username and password of an account.
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