My coworker left his Windows 10 system unlocked today.


1. Print screen on desktop
2. Saves the image
3. Sets image as wallpaper
4. Hides desktop icons
5. Changes taskbar alignment to the right and enables auto hide.
6. 🤣🤣🤣

  • 20
    I would like to know what happened next
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  • 13
    that’s so mean...

    now I’m tempted to try it...
  • 70
    You forgot to flip the screenshot and screen orientation. Desktop seems to be "normal", while every move is flipped
  • 7
    @Kimmax Oh yes I'm trying this
  • 14
    @ViRaS the guy got desperate and did a hard restart. Unfortunately the task bar pops up after you restart
  • 7
    @Kimmax that would have been even more fantastic. But time is a really big constraint when you are pranking someone like this
  • 7
    @irene I already have put together a small script since this happened. Problem is, after editing the registry for setting the wallpaper, it does not take effect immediately. You need a restart. But then again, I think that might be even more funny. But chances are he will restart at home and I will miss the precious moments.
  • 1
    @irene Also, at first glance, I mistook the finger you were holding up with that emoji 😶
  • 3
    @irene that "how" sounds arbitrary.

    If you are asking how I thought the emoji was different, I don't know.

    If you are asking about the script, I'll probably put it up on github if you want me to.
  • 14
    1. Change left and right mouse button.
    2. Rotate wallpaper, then rotate screen.
    3. Change language and keyboardlayout.
    4. Set terminal background and foreground to pink.
    5. ???
    6. Profit
  • 2
    what he did is against (most) company policy and what happened to him was well deserved
  • 2
    @irene @Tommy314 we aren't that big on "policies" and stuff where I work. We have a laid back approach so no one cares unless you do something illegal. But ofcourse, this resulted in some name calling, but nothing serious :)
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    @Crazed Is that PHP? Eww.. Get it off my rant 🤢
  • 1
    @SupressWarnings I have no idea I just wrote something hackerman-esque. If that's PHP then I'm fine without it lol.
  • 1
    @irene yes, however, if the h4xor then pushes nudes to a repository, the commit will hold the name of the guy who left his workstation unattended

    what I want to say is he was basically lucky, our fellow ranter is not an idiot :) and good for him to remind security this pranky way
  • 2
    @irene tl:dr I tend to ignore human rights of people lacking common sense :D
  • 6
    @irene Wish Granted. My fav lil device is the 'Phantom Keystroker' USB from ThinkGeek ($9.99). Looks like an innocent thumb drive but will randomize mouse movements, turn caps lock on/off randomly and types out garbage text randomly while you type something.

    I have yet to find a coworker that can last longer than 8min with this lil guy plugged into their station. Works best on desktops where you can hide the key on the back of a tower or something to that effect.

  • 2
  • 2
    Old but gold
  • 1
    That oh shit moment realising you've been leaving unlocked
  • 3
    I once additionally flipped the screen and then flipped the mouse cursor images to make it appear normal.
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    People use the win key to get to start would easily find out
  • 1
    @host127001 that's pretty evil
  • 1
    I used to do this all the time during my school days..it was fun 😀
  • 0
    I've done this... My coworker freaked because she thought I deleted all her files (that she stores on the desktop) but I simply moved them to her user folder LOL
  • 1
    @Kimmax easy there satan
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    What about pendrive that does action what @host127001 says after inserting? @Vip3rDev
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    I sometimes go here http://screenprank.com/SP/... and pick one and set it to full screen.
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    @SupressWarnings many systems have ctrl alt <arrow key> as a shortcut to adjust orientation, may be worth trying next time.
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    @joodoc I'm sure this one didn't have that. And besides, changing the screen orientation makes the prank a little too obvious to my liking.
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    *Presses six buttons that are a custom shortcut to a batch file resetting all of these settings*
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    Thats how i passed an exam about SQL in high school so fair enough, my man
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