So all my friends keep calling me a negative person because I always correct them on how easily they can be hacked.
Friend: Hey (my name) I am going to buy a new computer and I will make you happy and not download illegal games on to it.
Me: That's a really good idea. Now shouldn't you also buy a virusscanner or at least make a full system back-up in case you get hacked.
Two days later
Friend: Yeah I got my new pc and can now finally play Kerbal Space Progran on it. It's stupid though that this dlc costs money so I downloaded it illegaly. But don't worry. I'll stop doing that from now on.
Another two days later I am spending my whole day trying to fix his computer because he downloaded a Trojan Horse that took over his computer and he had no virusscanner or back-up.
The problem is that I am 99 percent sure that such a thing is going to happen again and he'll be standing on my doorstep to fix it for him. Just let the doomsayer that is good with computers fix it and repeat the whole process all over again๐Ÿ˜’.

  • 9
    Charge money next time
  • 11
    Or make him learn how to pirate properly ๐Ÿ˜‚
  • 0
    Give me his Skype and I'll teach him to pirate properly
  • 4
    Give a man a fish and he will survive for a day, teach him how to fish and he will survive for life
  • 3
    While I don't pirate games any more (since I now only play on console), I used to do it a lot, but kept good hygiene, AV, etc., and never got infected. Warez aren't necessarily filled up with malware, unless what he's doing is just searching for cracks online. Maybe times have changed?
  • 0
    OFF-TOPIC: @Sicarius did you delete your newest rant about "not everyone should code"?
  • 0
    @FetzenNET Yes I did, but that was because everyone understood it wrong. I wanted to show that they had a dumb thumbnail but it was interpreted like I wanted them to see the video which was not my point at all.
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