
What do you think?

  • 8
    Did Steve now how to code?
  • 7
    This bullshit. He didn't tell this
  • 10
    I just can't get how people admire Jobs so much. He looted the childhood of thousands of teens in China, minting money and money only. He was a greedy jerk who had the brains to loot. He was not good a human at all.

    and on the other hands people talk shit about Bill Gates when he is spending millions on making the world a better place. Please post quotes from him. I know you saved this pic from facebook.
  • 8
    Everybody should know how to steal other people ideas and then sell it for 10 times the price and steal all the credit for it
    -- Steve Jobs
  • 2
    @Linux Glad shared the truth
  • 2
    @Zimmel24 no, which is why this quote bothers me so much.
  • 0
    So much hate. The guy was soldering boards in his garage by hand. He may not be a trained engineer or a full time coder but that's impressive. Compare that to the rants hat go on here about PMs that don't know shit about technology.

    Xerox made over $100 million by letting Jobs look at projects that they thought were DOA. I don't call that stealing.
  • 2
    I thought that was a quote by Abraham Lincoln after we landed on the moon, but then maybe I'm getting my facts confused.
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