So I've been reading a lot about this #deletefacebook trend across devrant lately. And frankly I'm a little concerned.

As per my understanding, everyone wants to delete Facebook because they're harvesting data. Learning more about us.

While I would agree that I want my privacy. I am a little surprised at how fast this trend is picking up. People are turning a blind eye on everything else they do online just to assume they have privacy.

Let's put this Into perspective, shall we?

You are afraid of letting Facebook harvest your data yet you watch videos on YouTube which is owned by Google. You may even proceed to removing your Google account and use a stripped down version of Chromium to protect yourself from these companies yet you're using a Windows, Mac, iPhone, or Android all of which may be harvesting your data behind the scenes. Some may argue that they have stripped down their android phones but don't take into consideration that you are still using apps on your phone that may be collecting your data.

Let's say that you manage to get out of every sort of technology, you should remember that companies like Facebook also check data about you through your friends.

You use platforms like DuckduckGo assuming that they might not be collecting data about you in some way. I don't think there is anyway for you to prove that these privacy companies don't collect our data.

I don't know why everyone seems to be interested in this trend. I absolutely don't see a point in it. If anything, things I see are super relevant to me.

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    Does devRant collect any data?
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    @zokazavevu you never know. Analytical data usually contains user behavior.
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    @1989 well I guess you're an exception in the case. However such a trend still makes no sense since we live in a super well connected world.
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    Platforms like facebook exist through targeted advertising. To effectively sell that advertising you become a commodity, or your profile and posts do. For which advertisers pay handsomely to communicate directly with the target for their product or service. Without that data mining Facebook would not exist.
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    @uziiuzair Are you saying that those people with 200-500 "friends" actually keep in touch with all of them? I think that this would take way too much time and effort to achieve. Realistic number of actual friends I think is about 10. And for that I just use my phone, in person or some specific community tools.

    I would only agree that Facebook groups are useful in that you can meet new people, including casual one-time stuff and you have it in one place, no need to look for some niche website that will likely have less members anyway.
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    @zokazavevu yes - rants by devs....
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    I think it needs to be distinguished the difference between privacy and paranoia and outrage over silliness.

    Like privacy to me is being left alone, my personal data files, personal conversations, and my hobbies and private life being left private.

    That's why I never wanted to be famous or a politician. Getting called out for everything you say or do. "Omg he went to a strip club, " "Omg his kid got in trouble at school"

    People have these nefarious thoughts like there are people in rooms laughing at your data and trying to figure out how to use it against you.

    On the contrary look at how the fear of sharing medical data is damaging the evolution and progression of that industry. If youre unconscious sent to the hospital in another state you better hope you aren't allergic to anything because they can't pull your records... For your privacy of course.
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    @N0LL Dont get you? I use facebook and have connected and receive posts from a select mix of real friends and family, non of the external shit you express is part of my experience.
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    This is trending only because Americans think their elections are sacred
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    People believing that they will be able to live in an age of privacy in 20 years are naive.
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    Yeah. Facebook is a company that is concerned with money. All of them are. Facebook shares the information they scrape to make more money. Yup.

    Here's how I see it. Facebook shared all of this data with these groups to make more money from it. Companies that make profit off of selling your information to others are the biggest problem. Privacy online is dead. Gone. All we can do now is fight companies like Facebook that exploit people's privacy for their own benefit. For some of these companies, it's too late to stop them. Facebook isn't one of those companies, and I'm happy that this is happening to them.
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    Im a little concerned that you have been influenced into thinking that this is the norm. Just because something that seems commonplace does not automatically make it ok. Slavery was seen like that once...
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    Are you saying that because everybody is spying on us you shouldn't try to stop them or change the situation?

    People are finally starting to do _something_ about this effed up issue and you're shouting "hypocrites! don't bother!"

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