So I think I figured out something that may be a huge game changer in the gaming industry. TES VI has taken more than a decade to even be a thing. We got an announcement a few years ago about TES VI, but really nothing since. At that time they said TES VI would be in production after Starfield release. Another odd thing they said was that the technology needed to create TES VI was not quite ready yet. I am unsure as to when they said this last bit. I think before they mentioned Starfield release. What is this tech?

I think to understand what this tech is you have to go back to the roots of TES. One of their early games was called Daggerfall. I think this was TES II. The next one was TES III Morrowind. Then TES IV Oblivion. Finally TES V Skyrim. What has been happening on each release? The world of Daggerfall was huge, it was also generated content. That was the only way to go to that scale at that time. Then Morrowind came along and was big, but no where near Daggerfall big. Oblivion came along and decent size, but I think it was still smaller than Morrowind. I think similar with Skyrim. The worlds were getting more detailed, but due to shear manpower it became expensive to fill these large worlds.

I think you have probably figured out where I was going with this. What is the missing tech TES series wanted for large worlds? I think AI is the next big step for generating large worlds like this. From generating textures, terrain, models, cities, forests, etc. Obviously there will be procedural gen mixed in with this.

People keep wondering why TES VI is taking so long. I think Bethesda wanted to go big again on its worlds. But at the scale they wanted to do it would take way too much manpower to create all the assets for the game under any kind of budget. TES V has made them a shit ton of money. So maybe they have the wiggle room to do something truly groundbreaking with TES VI.

Anyway, that is my guess. They were waiting for the AI tools to be available to go big on their open worlds.

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    You are giving Bethesda too much credit by assuming that they won’t just make TES VI based on Skyrim, or more likely Starfield, as they are doing with all of their games for decades.

    Starfield has procedural generation already and it's part of the reason why it's so bad.
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    @Lensflare yeah. Pretty sure Starfield is first pass of the engine they will use. I hope they learned from Starfield to make it not suck ass. The bar is so high that expectations will be off the charts if it isn't perfect people will bitch.

    I honestly just said "pass" on Starfield when I saw that Sweet Baby Inc was involved. That is a hard nope for me. I always wait around 3 to 5 years on new games anyway. It gives it time to finish all the DLCs. It also gives other people time to review it properly. Unless it is really a game changer it might be a nope for me.
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    @Lensflare I am kinda assuming it will suck ass until proven otherwise. It feels like a repeat of HL3.
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    @Demolishun yeah, the tragedy is that even with low expectations, it will still disappoint.
    Given how all of Bethesdas games get worse and worse since Skyrim, I don’t have any hopes that TES VI won’t suck.
    I think this will be Bethesdas last game before they'll face the same fate as Ubisoft.
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    @Lensflare the skill system in Morrowind was broken as hell, but it was way better than Skyrim. Each iteration keeps taking shit out. I loved acrobatics, athletics and other things that improved through use. The magic system in Skyrim is just shit now. Morrowind and Oblivion were so fun to make your own custom spells. Morrowind was the best in this regard. Instead of addressing the power issue by using a non linear curve in the spells they just take shit out.
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    @Demolishun I haven’t played Morrowind but I did play through Oblivion a couple times.
    I have to agree, there is a lot of stuff I remember from Oblivion which wasn’t there in Skyrim anymore.
    Skyrim magic and enchantment sucks, yes. I don’t remember 100% how it works but it has something to do with soul gems and I was annoyed that I constantly needed to find new ones to recharge the enchanted weapons once they run out of juice. I think Oblivion did it better.

    IMO, Single player games don’t need to be balanced, they need to be fun.
    If you can "break" them in fun and interesting ways, it’s a good thing.
    Too many modern games try to balance the fun out of every mechanic.
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    @Lensflare Oblivion’s enchanting was just as bad, if not worse.

    Really, the magic systems in all TES games were terrible, with possibly the exception of Morrowind. You could make better spells in that, but it was also very broken and abusable. Better abusable than pathetic and nearly useless, though.
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    @jestdotty that sounds epic. Nice!
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