
teacher - gives a lecture about Java Naming Conventions...

Opens Notepad, ( he doesn't use an IDE, when I asked him he told he haven't worked on a IDE before )

and does this

public int user_account_number;

me - *wtf*

thanks God he didn't mess up with the braces and indentation otherwise I would have got eye cancer( already the white theme of notepad was causing nausea)

  • 1
    Noooooooo. *Mind F***ed* How could he do that!!!
  • 7
    Maybe the teacher got confused with python? It happens...
  • 3
    Well for a whole semester when I was in engineering school, the Java teacher forbidden us from using any IDE, now thinking about it I got some useful stuff memorised because of that 😁
  • 2
    @numb3rs And here I am, cant remember how to iterate in Java, bacause in IJ you just type object name -> alt+enter->iterate 😅
  • 2
    teacher - Opens a .txt file on notepad++ and takes a look at the paper next to the keyboard and starts writing SQL SELECT statement.

    runs the query... Error in the SELECT statement.

    me: *facepalm*
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