
So I onboard this guy on the project. One week in we worked on a task. There was a socket hang-up error. After a lot of debugging, I realized the issue was the value being sent over RPC to the API. Resolved in a huddle with the guy to show him how I debugged and found out.

2 weeks later, the client uses the API elsewhere, and runs into the same error, opens ticket. The new guy picks it up. After spending a day, says he can't find the issue, let alone reproduce it.

I have to jump in.

My guy, we just went through this recently. How much did he accumulate in 2 weeks since we did that, that he can't recall the fix

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    Meh, I can work a whole day on a project, do remember of course what I've done, but just forget the name of the project that you typed a whole day :P So next day i'm scrolling trough the project list with creative names and thinking "ah, it's so far again..." :P
  • 0
    @jestdotty wow wow wow. Who said unfinished? Nearly everything @ molodetz is in a good working state. They're not half baked.
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    @jestdotty well, in the end I always find the project and work on it ;)
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