
TV show logic:

lying is bad, makes you a conmam, fraudster, charlatan, bad mother that's in and out of jail

unless you're the manager. then nobody questions it, and instead praises you for how well you "manage" people, makes you a good mother because you can tell child or grown up children exactly what they want to hear to get them to do the activity you want them to do... but now it's a virtue for no reason whatsoever


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    IRL logic: Trump.
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    @atheist imagine how bad the others are that he still has won. Maybe he lies a lot but I'm still amazed about how much knowledge he has about much subjects. While opinion may defer, he does actually know a lot. Also, he really speaks for himself on the spot what often backfires in saying things that aren't smart but it does make him an unique president. In a certain way, he has honest properties too. Trump is a wolf. The others are also wolf's into sheep clothes pretending they're the nice ones. I do understand why Trump did win. A big nationalist as a leader doesn't sound bad to me in general. All countries working happely working together is nice but bit illusion. We're hardcore competition and all going for the same money. Trump understands.
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    @retoor he might know a lot but he sounds dumb as a plank.
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    I don't remember the book, a Polish police officer during WWII was asked how could did they round up thousands and thousands of Jews and put them on the trains to concentration camps when the vast majority knew what was going on. He said, "It was easy, we lied to them."

    Fast forward to today, has anything changed?

    Good or bad, lies are how those in power get people to do things against their nature. The trick isn't necessarily believing or not believing, it's understanding motives and the 'why?'.

    Trump lies to build up his ego. Biden (or his puppeteers, he's never been in power) lied to keep people in the dark to their real agenda to destroy and re-imagine America in a socialist+fascist utopia.

    History has already shown what happens at the end of that story.
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    I don't remember the book, a Polish police officer during WWII was asked how could did they round up thousands and thousands of Jews and put them on the trains to concentration camps when the vast majority knew what was going on. He said, "It was easy, we lied to them."

    Fast forward to today, has anything changed?

    Good or bad, lies are how those in power get people to do things against their nature. The trick isn't necessarily believing or not believing, it's understanding motives and the 'why?'.

    Trump lies to build up his ego. Biden (or his puppeteers, he's never been in power) lied to keep people in the dark to their real agenda to destroy and re-imagine America in a socialist+fascist utopia.

    History has already shown what happens at the end of that story.
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    @atheist I don't know, maybe portrayed in the Media but if I just watch interviews with him (and not one chosen by msm, because we know the chose the ones giving him a bad image) I think he says a lot of stuff that makes sense. I'm just not impressed by people saying stuff I don't understand. According to Einstein you don't understand yourself if you can't explain it to a six years old or smth like that. Trump explains well but it doesn't make him sound like a professor indeed because he just isn't. Trump is demonized a lot but still many people voted for him. Too many to consider all being idiots. I think we should stay open minded regarding him and try to see what others see in him. He actually is so discussed a lot bevause he does a lot. We're not used to that. About Biden was nothing to write. "Biden was again a nice old man today and did nothing again." just doesn't sell many newspapers. I dunno, it'll be interesting period. I expected him to win previous time tho.
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    @PaperTrail how they round up such a bunch of people and do bad stuff was imaginable until corona - people went crazy and if forces vaccination came to vote it would've seriously have passed. Corona period opened my eyes, I lost faith in humanity and totally understand that it's still possible that we'll betray eachother on large scale. Now there's some negativity in NL regarding asylum seekers because we have no houses left and just a few articles about that we voted for the extremest right wing party there is and everyone against assylum seekers. So again. It's sad, we have a lot of legal immigration and not much assylum seekers at all. On top of that almost none of them gets a house so is not responsible for housing crisis. The real bastards behind the housing crisis are the co2 rules, we should cancel them. We're animals that need a house. I live also far away from roots bevause this expensive thing was the only place left almost. Pay a lot for small (but nice) now far away.
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    @PaperTrail ok I really don't associate Trump with this. he does a functional version. that's why he keeps winning

    he does a concept called leverage. I've seen it mentioned but I could never grasp it instinctually. I see he's using it and I don't understand it fully yet

    his ego is not a liability but what makes him honest. and he uses leverage to make other people honest, too. instead of the idea behind asking people to be X and Y which is of good character, he forces them to act in good character through leverage and doesn't fall into the pits others do, trying to convince everyone to cooperate when everybody knows they get more if they fuck their friends. his leverage solves prisoner's dilemma. it's genius

    his lies go up to omission but no further. he does this because he's playing poker, when he's playing politics to keep safe. and tbh he's selling me on the poker game

    management outright lies to you on the other hand, and not for good reasons, and they dont care about their ego
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    if trump lied he would lose his greatest superpower of all, his likability

    he knows not to do it and he avoids doing it well

    it is quite honestly fascinating
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    @atheist Trump: the AI energy factories will have coal as backup. Nice clean coal.

    He said that literally with straight face. It's a skill ๐Ÿ˜‚ Me, who doubt the human influence on climate bevause it took that long to determine that (and the hockey stick theory is gone, doubted it from beginning) and can't imagine a bit smoke from an airplane doesn't affect the big world at all doesn't care about such false statements from him. It's just funny how he can say certain stuff.
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    @atheist wow, something on the side. I searched for positive things regarding climate change to Chatgpt. The benefits are huge and more clear than the vague statements why it would be bad. More co2 for example, more places to fish, longer seasons for growing stuff, easier construction and maintenance on certain places, new resources bevause of melting ice and new shipping routes, more land actually, since more land gets livable, boost in tourism, less heating costs.

    Wtf! Buy a climate enhancing Saab 9-5 now and work on a good future! The weather would become bit more unpredictable but those things have windshield cleaners. Awesome.
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    @jestdotty haha, i can appreciate Trump but read my messages above. He literally said 'clean coal' :P If that isn't a lie, wtf :P
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    @jestdotty anyway, are you heating with me? Together we can. Let's extinct a few bugs in less then 70 year so we can just enjoy it ourselves. "bUGS GoOd foR baLANce iN naTuRe.". Pff, chat balance changed so many times. Species going extinct is part of life when you're a big ball floating in dem galaxy. On a day we'll be that species. Get over it. Nothing to do about it. Evecuate to mars is actually possible. It seems (doubt a bit) to be possible to extract water from Martian soil. A flight to Mars is 7 months with current Rockets and there's is nothing regarding our current roles of physics that can stop us if we want. It's pure about monehh and engineering. Doubt doubt doubt. I just looked it up. What if there's some force on earth bringing us life that's not available on Mars? I mean, life's still a mystery. It's fair to assume that we're in someway still not be able to detect anything around us. I know it sounds insane but explain life. There must be source or we are gods.
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