I just found a reason to use Edge - viewing PDFs when I'm too lazy to install acrobat reader!

  • 13
    But all browsers allow to view PDFs, so why Edge ?
  • 3
    ffs. chrome does it better.
    The only scenario that this will be helpful, is only when you don't use your own computer, and noting is installed, except vanila windows.
  • 2
    I switched from Chrome to Edge - I just got tired unruly Chrome processes that never die.

    I was quite impressed that lastpass/keeper uorigin plugins all work fine.
  • 9
    Why does acrobat reader still exist?
  • 0
    @magicMirror usb key installation:)
  • 0
    @-vim- ewwwwwww.
    I need a shower.
  • 0
    Basically I'm too lazy to change the default file handler. I don't read a lot of PDFs.
  • 2
    Literally drag the downloaded file onto your favourite browser...??
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