I setup an email server a couple of months ago.

The amount of port scans and brute force attacks I've received this month alone is awful.


  • 3
    Build a wall, a firewall! Belive me, nobody builds firewalls like IP tables!
  • 1
    That's the internet for you. Get used to it.
  • 1
    @herrybiscuit Not at the moment, postfix is doing quite well at stopping then for the moment (I think) but I need to at some point.

    I'm not a server guy so this is all very new 😛
  • 1
    @Jamoyjamie Please install Fail2Ban. I myself would have been a victim of a mail bomb and could have prevented it. And monitor your mail queue. If this is very high, someone uses your mail server
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    Things like these are why I prefer to use AWS. You don't have to worry about all that, you just do what you got to do, and let them handle the rest.
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    @herrybiscuit I'd personally go with CSF :)
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    @linuxxx I was wondering which Linux distro you prefer for personal use?
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    @yendenikhil KDE Neon currently and I love it!
  • 3
    @linuxxx cool, m experimenting with fedora at the moment!
  • 2
    @yendenikhil I've used fedora for a while myself! Love the system only it uses quite some resources for me :/
  • 3
    @linuxxx just starting to learn the Linux administration basics (we gotta manage our infra stack ourselves in few months time), interesting and overwhelming!

    I find understanding of concepts is what I need to learn a lot, commands are easy part! (Understanding network interface can be rabbit hole, damn)

    Got more respect of sysadmins and curiosity about Linux (more than just preferred os)
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    @yendenikhil What basics are you learning exactly and what concepts do you mean? :D

    In the mean time I'm installing two new vps's on my second dedicated server 😅
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    @linuxxx anyways to share signal contact number? Better than posting! I can make 10 min email address 😂
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    @yendenikhil You can email me at linuxxx@tuta.io ;)
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    @linuxxx in next couple of mins then!
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    @yendenikhil That number you sent me, the country code O_o
  • 3
    @linuxxx I thought you knew! Lol, if not then you are definitely surprised I would imagine. Haha.
  • 0
    @yendenikhil I didn't! I was like 'hmm the country code let's look.... Wait... Hold on.... One sec.... WAIT WHAT?! 😄
  • 1
    @linuxxx waiting for email, let me get my detective hat on, no time to waste 🕵️🕵️🕵️


    Wish I had seen your face at the moment. Lmao!
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