Shopping with my girlfriend when I spot this. Nobody to see for miles. Guess this wouldn't pose a problem, would it? I mean it wouldn't say secure Id, if it wasn't secure...?

  • 0
  • 4
    What the fuck does this rant mean?

    What is that tag thing?

    Whose computer is that?

    What is the relevance of no one being around?

    What wouldn’t pose a problem?
  • 2
    Its an OTP authenticator but the rant still makes no sense
  • 4
    13++'s. That's 13 people that understand what's going on...

  • 0
    These keys are used as hardware TAN generators, had one to sign orders for my stock portfolio before they switched to SMS-TAN
  • 2
    They are in a shop.
    That is not his laptop
    The key contains some passwords or something
    There is no one around to protect the laptop
  • 1
    @Jacobgc ... Finally, Somebody who gets it
  • 2
    Didn't know nobody knows a SecureID anymore? A RSA secure ID is the hardware form of an OTP/Google Auth. And a pricey one, too. So here we have a token that generates OTP for an area that is supposed to be very secure. This thing is a password/token generator that grants anybody who has it access to sensitive data/a sensitive area. And it is right next to the shop computer with nobody around. Absolutely nobody. This screems epic fail IMHO
  • 1
    Yo, borrow that thing for me. I want to do some stuff and things with it. Kthxs
  • 0
    Лучше шопинг, чем алкоголизм.э
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