
Series of events between me (Mi) and dude in office (DIO).

Instance 1
DIO: There is not psql installed on staging.
Mi: Install it.
DIO: YUM is not working.
Mi: *tries yum it works* It is
DIO: Oh. Didn't work earlier.
Mi: *blank* Make sure you install 9.6
DIO: Cannot find psql
Mi: *types psql, it is already installed*
DIO: Oh, didn't work earlier.

Instance 2
DIO: Made this change to the API, the endpoint is not returning the right value
Mi: *restarts server, shit starts working*
DIO: I am pretty sure I did that, don't know what happened.

Instance 3
DIO: Cannot alter role to give login to this db user.
MI: *runs alter role db_user with login* works
DIO: Don't know why it wasn't working before.

Instance 4
DIO: I have been stuck on this test for the past 1 day, cannot get the API to return the right data while the Rest Endpoint works fine.
Mi: You are hitting the wrong endpoint in the test.
DIO: Oh, I put an extra 's'
Mi: BTW you are testing Spring-Boot with that test and nothing else.
DIO: Yes but what if Spring Boot has a bug?
Mi: ok.

  • 7
    Kono Dio Da!
  • 2
    There is such a dio in every office. Our dio a senior Dev as he states insists that his laptop is altering his codebase overnight. BTW in instance 4 is he running a @WebMvcTest with @MockedBean?
  • 0
    Familiar. As. Fuck.
  • 3
    Here's a tip:

    Every time a DIO ask for something just reply: "Yeah DIO, gimme 10 minutes"

    Wait up to 20 minutes and then ask him what's then problem: you got 60% probability that He solve the problem himself, otherwise increase the waiting time (Tune for each DIO)
  • 1
    @cyberpro4 so true. I was doing this for a long time:)
  • 0
    @cyberpro4 trying that out next week
  • 0
    I actually don't mind it at all. Not even slightly bit annoyed. I don't know how and why. 1 year back this would have pissed the living shit out of me. Now I just think that guy must hate me, that shit always starts working whenever he calls me.
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