So glad you are here guys :')

  • 10
    and you guys have friends!! lucky you.
  • 5
    In my class (26 students), I'm the only one, who knows how to use a computer. Most of them don't know how to turn them on (I'm serious) and those who do don't know their password... Why god, why?
  • 5
    Had this yo mama joke that goes " Yo mama so fat, the recursive function calculating her mass causes a stack overflow." And most of the friends I have are from business and finance majors
  • 3
    Same. The only things my friends know is Instagram and black ops 3
  • 3
    @mikabeckerich I know the feeling. Last year they were doing testing in my history classroom so we were moved to the AP comp sci room where the only computers were raspberry pi 2s, so the kids in my class were tying random shit into the terminal while i sat back watching them struggle. About 5 minutes later I walked over and typed startx, hit enter and they looked at me like I was a god
  • 2
    @liberaldog Well our school(system) doesn't want to confront us with new technologies (the most modern thing in our school is a 3d printer powered by a raspi). Sometimes i'm asking myself: what am I doing here. I have to stay 4 more years until I can go to university... There aren't even IT freaks like me in school. I have to do repair-service for my teachers while the course is being held and they know that i'm a dev (dev != repair service)
  • 1
    @mikabeckerich Yeah but it's getting better. My school added AP comp sci last year and they are supposed to be adding another AP computer class. but if you really want more programming classes to go toward a degree, you should dual enroll (if you can where you live). I got into dual enrollment this year and I plan on cleping the basic classes so I don't have to learn what I already know and in the spring I'm gonna take at least 1 programming class at the college. (I'm doing some gen Ed requirements in the fall)
  • 0
    @NoNameCode that's the best kind of friend! because you can learn together the new things! And help yourself while helping him/her!
  • 0
    same here man.
  • 0
    thats the same situation I am into
  • 1
    @mikabeckerich charge them a standard for your work. If not, don't do it. It's quite simple. Anyway don't get stressed out, you're young and you're gonna be a great dev if you follow your path. Time will tell you're in and your classmates out. Now DevRanters are your new friends who you can share your puns, rants and your cat pics. 😊💪
  • 2
    @ivannieto Most of the class calls me a freak because of my hobby :D but they only see me as a repair service. I'd like to develop for school (databases,...) but our government is too closed to adapt linux as a working environment. I'm sticking with software developing because that's the future, but I think most of us devs still don't get the respect and attention they have deserved. The only person which openly says that he loves what I do is my maths teacher which I had 2 years ago. I'm not in a school which has single courses like university or such schools. We only have sections which consists of languages, maths, biology, physics, economics, arts and now they want to introduce informatics. Thats why I love the devrant community: people who think and are like. Hopefully our schoolsystem takes a look at other schools before I become a teacher.
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    @mikabeckerich mate, this is inherent to our work, you'll see this a lot from now on. Don't worry about the others, just stick to do what you love. About the repair service, simply learn to say "No. I'm a dev, I don't do that, for me is loosing time, or pay the standard rate as I had to learn how to repair your system". Don't be shy or they will think always the same about you and your skills. ☺
  • 1
    My problem is: I'm a kind and obliging. I got raised like this :D In 2 weeks, when school begins, I want to change myself (again) :D Sometimes when I'm in a good mood, I'm going to help for free, otherwise they have to pay me lunch :D
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    *I'm a kind and obliging person.
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