
sometimes, I hate Windows...

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    i hate linux for the same reason when i open the terminal and type "dir" and "cls"
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    look up chocolatey. it's a package manager for windows that's similar to aptitude
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    @achehab every time I get into cmd, my fingers automatically type 'ls' and then I say "dammit".
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    @achehab at least creating aliases is easier in linux
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    @jimmeh @dev0urer I was just being sarcastic, no need to hate Windows if you are typing linux commands in a windows cmd, that's all i'm saying.
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    @achehab it's not that I hate Windows, it's that I actually have to pay attention. My automatic reflex is using Linux commands
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    @jimmeh guess i overreacted, there is too much hate on windows from linux users in many many posts. and u were my victim sorry xD here's a ++ instead
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    @achehab all good, man. 👍🏼
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    @dev0urer I was just going to say that I wish there was something similar to Brew for Windows, but there is. I'm not a Windows user, except for work, but I'm going to keep that up my sleeve for sure. Thank you.
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    Fact is that until the linux subsystem for linux is stable, windows absolutely sucks for most development. if you need to rely on the command line you're pretty much screwed.

    that being said, use PowerShell if you must use Windows. much more configurable
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    just sometimes ? ;)
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    @achehab since you are giving people ++, can you do the same to me 😉
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    @jimmeh, you forgot to sudo, that's all
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    @dev0urer This is not true anymore because PowerShell is great at this. On a side note, ls works in PowerShell too.
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    One of the reasons I hate Windows is that I can't simply type apt-get update, apt-get upgrade to update the whole installed software on the machine + system in two minutes or less. Yeah I tried some update managers for Windows but it was slow as hell and half of updates failed so I needed to update it manually. MS should work on this instead of changes in UI and adding spying "features".
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    If you use VIM I hate you :D
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    @uxmanz Seriosuly man... If you are commenting without reading the other comments, I don't think you're such a bright user
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    Try to use vi
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    why aren't you using power shell? don't use command prompt, unless you have to. it's there for backwards compatibility.
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    comeon @uxmanz let it go, i'm sure we all fell in the same mistake he did, we are humans after all, so here is my advice for you to reset your --s to zero, i tried it and it worked:
    Install linux :P
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