
So as some of you know, I gave notice. my current company has me for 4 more days.

Why has my manager not given me someone to knowledge transfer to? Do they think I am bluffing? He even admits there is shit only I know!

Whenever I message him about it, he just ignores me. I guess if he wants me to do it later, I can in the weekends for $50 an hour? 🤔🤔

  • 2
    depends how bad your company where.
  • 7
    Its like a dumb SO acting like they dont need you when you breakup but they dont realize they have to move out lmfao
  • 8
    4 times of your current salary(hour based).
    Dont forget the contract.
  • 1
    @mkdirLuci4 lol exactly right. They asked if I could stay late and work weekends to do it later, after I (re)explained the hard stop date. Now we talk money possibly haha
  • 0
    @stop 4 times?! I was thinking of offering 2 times, once a week. And definitely on the contract, paid up front
  • 2
    @owithg i saw that my sadistical personality was missing in my description.
  • 1
    Well, it is their loss, not yours. Don't worry about it!
  • 4
    Its even better when it’s a rushed exit because they’ve let you go.

    Regardless, many of them see developers as largely interchangeable, because despite our protestations, they always end up with the deliverable in the end; the mistake there being many ways to skin the cat for things being trivial.
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