
Is it really hard to enter in IT sector?

  • 4
    Only if you're white.
  • 2
    @djsumdog what? :p Is this because of the woke open source companies these days? 😂
  • 4
    What are you selling, and will it make my cassava bigger?
  • 10
    no. it's way too easy, which is why way too many people in IT suck at their job.
  • 8
    Instructions unclear, I got into IT and now I can't get out :(
  • 2
    Agree with @tosensei. Every idiot that touched a computer once has a job.
  • 2
    Depends on the security of that sector.
  • 3
    It’s not but it’s overcrowded with a bunch of useless people and in my opinion, overfunded.
  • 2
    @retoor Companies have literally denied roles to people purely based on their white skin color for over 10 years:


    I had a friend at InDeed who said they weren't allowed to start interviewing a new batch of Candidates if there wasn't one black person in the batch.
  • 2
    @djsumdog ah, Lunduke :) IBM and another company have lawsuits regarding racism against white people. Lunduke is a bit too much opsessed with it atm
  • 2
    Not particularly. You don't need uni and everything to get into IT or a subfield.

    There are however some fields which almost always require a degree, not that I know much about that beyond high school and job college...
  • 2
    @djsumdog skill issue
  • 2
    @retoor something something woke trans rust cabal
  • 2
    @ibmsucks nice username.
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