
All of those books in my wishlist, but no money 😢😭

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    Check your local library
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    Check the internet. Not for these books, but for the subjects in these books. Heck, you could create a checklist of things to research on the internet based off of the books table of contents, which you could preview on Amazon.
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    @k0pernikus i did, nothing there except php, excel etc
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    @theredcameron i know that dude. Thats what im doing all the time, but i want those books physical.
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    the orily ones you get for free on the net...

    and rheinwerk books are usually pretty crapy. written very poorly, only black and white, thick paper so that it looks like it's alot knowledge inside.
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    @jakobev i agree with the other guys, i have some books on my bookshelf (20-50€) which are nothing more than the official documentation with more examples. When it comes to machine learning i agree that a book might be helpful, but there are many topics/languages out there i learned only with the help of the internet
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    Sigh... Well guys, I'm really thankful for this information and thinks twice about to get a book if i can get better information and documentation out of the internet for free 😥
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    I recommend you the official python documentation and buying a raspberry. The python docs are really good and self-explanatory (imo). And you'll get to know raspbian simply by trying. I learned linux that way.

    Boom, 3 books of your wishlist saved.
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    @YouAreAPIRate yeah, that'll be the best way to go. Saving money and get same/better knowledge. Thanks again.
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    @jakobev @nvai we should form a book-club ^^
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    If you don’t mind digital, there’s also this site called Library Genesis, and IRC.
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    I know this doesn't help but... Machine learning with tensorflow & scikit-learn is a really good book!
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    Better than not enough language skills for full understanding books written in English:P
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    What are torrents sites for
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    If I might give you an advice: remove the book "Neuronale Netze selbst programmieren" from your list.
    I bought it and was totally disappointed. I mean, if one never read anything about neural networks it gives an easy exclamation, but the practical part totally sucks. It just shows how to write a NN with a fixed (!!!) amount of nodes, 3 layers. All hard coded.
    Honestly, you find better lecture on some blogs for free in the web.

    For the other books I mostly agree with everybody else. It is burnt money to buy books specific to a language as it will be outdated a year later. And usually it is really just the documentation with a few examples which you could easily find (better ones) in the web.

    The only thing which really makes sense to have as a book is stuff which will not change for the next X years.
    Design patterns, algorithms and data structures etc.
    And you might want to buy English books. The German ones usually are strange to be read as most of the subject specific words are...
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    ... English anyway.
    And either the author uses them, and then you could read an English book quite as well. Or they try to translate them somehow to German which usually sounds ridiculous and you don't have the English vocabulary afterwards to talk properly about that stuff.

    Just my (quite long) 2 cents.
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    @DelError I can just agree on this!
    I've read some German books, wouldn't do it again.
    I've never read any books over one specific language, documentation or Yt-tuts are alot better.
    I read this Neural Nets book too, but I think for a ml-noob like I used to be it's actually okay.
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    @Lahsen2016 thanks for this tip!
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    @DelError i agree, i don't want to have a disappointing book...
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    @DelError i thought so.. i have no problem with the english language so i can go for original ones as well
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    Even as a noob, one is better of reading some online introduction.

    It's one of those "you don't need to know programming, I will give you an introduction" books. Which totally sucks. If I buy a book about neural networks I don't want to have an introduction to programming and python.
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    @SVTJASE i do, calm down dude 😂
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    @SVTJASE i know cuz u r da jase
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