
So it turns out that the company I work for uses and develops for Linux just because, I quote, "IT'S IMMUNE TO VIRUSES!!!".

Even if our systems are not connected to the internet (and never will be) and protected by armed guards.

I am stunned.

  • 1
    Be happy! :D
  • 2
    Systems not connected and physically protected, so they're like, backups?
  • 3

    CCTV systems for military and airport applications.
  • 1
    What's the worst side effect of working on offline systems like yours? We're researching to create an infrastructure like that for the new company as for a project military grade security is expected for the office.
  • 1

    Mainly maintenance and updates, in fact we are often obliged to physically go there, temporarily connect the machines to the internet and do what we have to do

    Moreover, in these environments they are all a bit agitated when working on this kind of systems, so it is difficult to remain calm and focused because even 5 minutes of downtime would be very serious.


    Yep, when possible, we try to
    satisfy dependencies by manually downloading all the necessary packages, without connecting to the internet.
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