I need some advice, you guys.

I'm weeks away from graduating from my code school and working on a capstone project with a group and there are several people who I'm having a hard time following their code.

No comments, no documentation, just "30 hour sessions" and opinionated, undocumented code that doesn't mesh with the project plan 100%. It works, it get's the job done, but it's over complicated, undocumented and hard to follow.

Starting to feel like the 3rd wheel in a 4 person group because I'm the only one that is having a problem and I'm not sure how to get them to document their code for me. They try to explain it and just end up literally reading their code, which doesn't really help.

I feel like I'm working in a group of individuals who don't really want to work together and I'm worried it's going to be a problem.

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    I’d say your best bet is to inform them of the importance of comments... not only for your use but also when they want to refer to a specific function and what it’s purpose is quickly... believe it or not, comments are actually very useful, most professional developers always use comments.
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