My parents are real sticklers for who is allowed to be on Netflix. They only let people on when they are present, and they never click 'save password'.

Me being a poor college student and desperate for the Netflix password, created a fake website for one of my parents to sign into.

How did I do this? I created my own localhost server with a backend database for the password to go to. I then copied the Netflix home screen and log in and asked them to log me into their account.

They said I can be on for one hour, and then they were signing me out.

I agreed to these terms.

As a small twist, I had also copied the no internet tab from Chrome for the page to redirect to. Knowing that once they logged in they would be expecting the main UI.

They logged in and then waited for the page to load. I, of course, put in a delay for the page to load and then displayed the no internet tab. They were confused and asked me to refresh, still nothing. I asked them if the router was out, and they went to check.

While they were away I quickly switched back to the real Netflix website and yelled back saying I got it working again. They came back over and saw that it was asking for a password again. They signed in and saw the main homepage and none were the wiser that day.

Once they left I checked inside the DB and found the plaintext password they typed in... The damn password was so simple, I cursed myself for not having figured it out sooner. No matter, I had my parents Netflix password.

So you're probably wondering how they didn't see the URL above and think something was off?

I pressed F11 and fullscreened my entire browser. They did ask, and I simply replied with, I don't like seeing all the crap up above when I'm streaming. No further questions, perhaps I was lucky.

  • 13
    Good work, creative thinking should be rewarded with unfettered netflix access.
  • 3
  • 13
    its like small scale phishing, love it!
  • 7
    I just torrent movies.
  • 15
    Tweet this to Netflix. Maybe they will give you free subscription ?
  • 12
    Awesome creativity exercise! You seem decently skilled, I'm sure you could do some 1hr work for the equivalent cost of an NETFLIX account! Capitalism and shit.
  • 11
    Do clear your watch history once you're done because they seem like "those kind of people"
  • 4
    I use free websites on an old ass laptop. When. It dies, I'll probably find the money to buy a pinebook or some cheap ass chromebook to use in place.
  • 7
    Nice pishing 😁
    I used a keylogger to get the AOL password from my Dad back in the day. Used it to remove the limitation of my account. 😀
  • 5
    @theElectron Or point this out to the authorities. But Netflix's twitter account is boss
  • 6
    @ThaOneDude I hope the authorities have better things to do then go after kids stealing netflix passwords from their parents :/
  • 3
    Nice! :D
  • 3
    I would hire you right away. 😎
  • 1
    A plain ol' keylogger would work as well. If you have antivirus, use a USB keylogger which gets plugged in between the keyboard cable and pc. Nice job though, you got it!
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