
My goal in life as an android man: convert every single person I can from Samsung or iPhone to either pixel or Nexus

Converted 3 so far and they all say they won't go back to modifed Android or iOS :-D

  • 3
    I'm not an apple user, but if you're so intent on those specific phones, will you buy me one? :-P
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    Yesh... no :p didn't the pixel get rid of SD cards or the headphone jack or something?
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    @ScribeOfGoD they never had SD cards but the pixel 2 got rid of the headphone jack but litteraly everyone I know never used it so they don't really care
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    Out of interest, apart from the bloatware (which doesn't have to be used), what issue do you have with the latest Samsung's?

    * Serious question - I'm not a butthurt Samsung fanboi.
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    Possibly anecdotal, but my note 8 is pretty darn snappy and gets decent battery life. Only have the occasional app hiccup when I haven't updated substratum. Agree about the rom and warranty though.
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    @not-the-droid just hate the amount they modify android and the fact that everything has to be proprietary, google has released amazing apps yet Samsung must reinvent the wheel with every single one of them, like... A note taking app.. really?

    Plus I hate their design language compared to vanilla android material design...

    Aaaaand everything @Artemix said
  • 0
    Yeah agree on most of those points... I'm really not a fan of the shitty note taking apps and other 'S' apps. Just let me use OneNote or evernote or whatever.
    Phone hardware is pretty top notch though.

    In saying all this, my previous phone was a Windows phone...
  • 2
    @not-the-droid windows phones were amazing!

    I hate windows and Microsoft with a burning passion but even I will admit windows 10 mobile was fluid and user friendly, really sad it's gone :'-(
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    Agree with you there. Found the windows phone great to use... integrated all my accounts .etc perfectly. Just pity there's no apps for it. I saw some fluid design mockups for Windows phone a little while ago that looked schmick... real pity.

    Best thing about Windows phone - black theme by default on all apps... really annoys my precious eyes how darn bright most Android apps are by default. Substratum only has so many skins 😆
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    I use a Samsung note 8... Let me know when the pixel gets Spen support for signing contracts out in the wild
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    I recommend you to try out react native
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    You should look into the OnePlus phones. They're cheaper and have some serious HW
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    I’ll keep my iPhone. There is no way l’ll return to Android.
  • 1
    Funny, I’ve done the same thing except from Android to iPhone...
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