
Dear uni, please don’t give us an ISO of a custom virtual machine that we are required to use, and then lock us into an account without admin or sudo privileges. It’s our VM, running on our own computers, with our own data. Wtf. I can’t even install a fucking text editor.

  • 7
    Do you know what’s fun about vms, you have total control if you know how to use it. You can disable everything
  • 4
    @-vim- true, but damn. You’d think they’d let us be admins if they give it to us to use as we like, without having to mess with the VM.
  • 11
    @thealex do you expect me to emacs?

    No mr bond, I expect you to vim.
  • 6
    @seraphimsystems nah, I expect you to nano
  • 3
    @ScribeOfGoD nah, i expect you to sed
  • 4
    I got a Lububtu vm once during a course that was just broken, the sources list was corrupt and it refused to connect to any network. To make it worse it wasn't a local vm but a virtual one on the schools servers so we couldn't just copy the files to our own system.

    The teachers response to this was "Well you should be able to fix that if you study it".
  • 7
    Why not just take root yourself? Boot with a rescueCD ISO, mount the device where /etc is, and remove root's password.
  • 3
    @bahua that’s exactly what I did in the end. But the fact that I had to do that...I mean, come on. Why not just give us access in the first place.
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